Thursday, July 25, 2013

Macedonia secures funds for first wind farm

Macedonia, today, signed the third phase of the renewable energy agreement with the Federal Republic of Germany in which funds of 35 million Euro were secured.

15 million Euro will go towards the the first wind farm in Macedonia, Bogdanci, which has already started construction and the rest of the funds will go to the construction of Shpilje hydro power plant.

Siemens Wind from Denmark and Siemens AS from Greece have been chosen to construct the wind farm.

The cost of the project is 55 million Euro and the installed total capacity of the 16 wind turbines will be 36.8 MW or 100GWh annually. The wind farm will provide energy to 15.000 households or 60.000 citizens.

Installed capacity of each turbine is 2.3 MW, the beams are 84 meters high with 93-meter diameter blades.

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