Saturday, July 27, 2013

Gruevski's rating continues to grow

Gruevski well ahead in polls
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski's rating continues to surge the latest poll finds.

On the question of who is your preferred prime minister out of Gruevski and Zaev, results were 48% for Nikola Gruevski and 28% for head of opposition Zoran Zaev, 12% none, 9% don't know, 3% no opinion.

On the question of who is your preferred prime minister out of Gruevski and Zaev asked only to ethnic Macedonians, results were 67% for Nikola Gruevski and 27% for head of opposition Zoran Zaev, 6% none, 7% don't know, 3% no opinion.

On the question of who is your preferred prime minister out of Gruevski and Zaev asked only to ethnic Albanians, results were 16% for Nikola Gruevski and 36% for head of opposition Zoran Zaev, 35% none, 11% don't know, 2% no opinion.

Analysts say that Gruevski's success comes from his party's commitment to its policies well beyond the election periods. They further add that the public perceives him as a guardian of Macedonia's national interests, particularly in regards to the name issue.

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